Press play and stop on any frame to compare 2D ChibiDino with 3D.
The ChibiDinos is an NFT project that sold out in 10 minutes and made millions at mint.
Most of the NFT projects that debuted in 2021 where all vector drawings generatively created in Photoshop, or the like. Many of these projects were looking to fulfill the next phase of their roadmap at the end of 2021. Sean Kelly approached us to take his 10k ChibiDinos and turn them into CG assets. These assets would then be “evergreen” and we could use them for more than just NFT stills.
We generatively created 10k Chibi’s to match the 10k 2D Dinos that they had previously released. These CG Dinos would be air dropped to current holders of the ChibiDinos at a later date in summer 2022.
In the meantime, we started production on a trailer for a blockchain game called “Primal Hoop”, as well as the game play.
You can see the trailer I storyboarded and directed, and the early workings of the game below.
In the end I am proud of the content I produced, but the project was a poorly managed cash grab by the creators.
Sandbox Conversion
Some early tests to convert the Dinos to voxels.